Reaching to God - The Christmas Edition: Oh Holy Night


Do you know what event begins the Christmas story in Scripture? It happens fifteen months before the birth of Jesus.

Do you know the person Mary told first about her visit from the angel Gabriel? It wasn’t Joseph.

Did you know that Herod sided with Marc Antony and Cleopatra against Rome in the years before Jesus was born? Do you know how that affected the birth of our Lord?

Did you know there was a treasure hunt the night of Christmas or why Luke left the Magi out of his Gospel?

Christmas is less than four chapters of the Bible, and yet many parts aren’t known or are remembered incorrectly.

Acclaimed theologian R.A. Mathews takes the reader through every verse of the Christmas story, reaching back into the Old Testament and forward to the Acts of the Apostles to understand those few chapters.

Reaching to God - The Christmas Edition is a jewel filled with inspiring stories that will bring you closer to God. It’s a volume you will turn to for years to come, strengthening your walk with the Lord!